College Staff

The Forbes College Office is located below the dining hall in Forbes College (from the Forbes main entrance, go to your left and follow signs marked College Office). We are open Monday-Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm when classes are in session. The College staff offer support to students on a wide range of academic and non-academic matters. Please stop by the College Office to meet with any member of the staff.  If you have specific questions feel free to reach out to a member of the College Office in-person, by phone, or email from their profiles below.

For concerns related to facilities (maintenance, heating/cooling, pests, etc.) dial 609-258-8000 to submit a request for assistance or use the facilities online request form

911 is the best contact for true emergencies, but you can also contact campus public safety at 609-258-1000 with an urgent matter when the College Office is closed.